
Mary Had A Little Luuuuuuurrrrrggggghhhh....amb, Little Lurrrrrrgggghhhh....

Transcranial magnetic stimulation frightens me. It's supposedly pretty harmless, as you can see below in the video. They're targeting the language center of this man's brain. It stops him cold as he recites Humpty Dumpty, but amazingly enough, it doesn't interrupt him when he sings it. The TMS is targeted on his left frontal lobe where the center for language production is located, but music is in the right hemisphere, so it is not effected.

As a migraine sufferer this is intriguing, because they are using this method to treat the syndrome (as well as stroke and Parkinson's). I just don't think I'm quite ready for having my brain stimulated by anything where I'm not at least pushing the button. Then again, I don't have very severe ones - if that was the case (I'm looking at you, Dad), I would give it a shot.

TMS is also used to treat Dystonia

The film (above) on Dystonia (Twisted) is very good, and an amazing example of what a machine the brain and body is. Like consciousness, we take it for granted when it's functional - we don't appreciate its unbelievable functionality until it becomes damaged.


drbobbe said...

Interesting, but I'm thinking maybe you should go first...


jasonwclark said...

I would have done just about anything for one of those magnets last Thanksgiving. Has to be better than Topomax, or Imitrex, or any those other Xs they keep peddling these days.

Also, a book recommendation - somewhat related (on the language side of things, rather than the migraine one), but I enjoyed it immensely, so any excuse to drop the link...
